On this weeks Face Behind the Cards, we spoke to Charli of Charli Tait designs. Rivalled puns coupled with cute animals – the perfect combo for a great greeting card if you ask us, and you can see the full collection from Charli here.

Tell us a bit about yourself?
Hellooo I’m Charli. I’m a graphic designer and illustrator living in Hampshire. My hobbies include stalking cute dogs and shouting ‘squirrel!’ a lot…

How did you get into making cards? Was it always something you wanted to do?
As a child I often made cards for friends and family – I was always very much into my arts and crafts and I doodled a lot. Microsoft Paint was also THE BEST. It properly kicked off after university when I was working as a graphic designer full time, but I wanted to explore illustration a bit more in my own time. I started off by designing patterns, mainly for wrapping paper that I sold on Etsy, and then I started playing around with greeting card designs. I absolutely loved walking round card shops and seeing all the different designs that inspired me – I decided it was something I would love to have a proper go at. From then on, it became my aspiration to one day have my card designs in shops all over the country!

Has lockdown changed the way you work at all?
It has definitely been a journey! I was made redundant from my day job after being furloughed for months. It sucked, but it did give me a lot of time to work on my illustrations and card designs (silver linings and all). Luckily, I now have a new full-time job (phew!) and so I’m back to spending most evenings working on new designs and packaging up orders. It’s been very weird starting a new job remotely, not getting to know my new teammates in person, but working from home isn’t so bad! Although, I am currently working from the kitchen table due to my partner needing the spare room/office for his work. On the plus side, I have easy access to the fridge and wine cupboard!

What is your favourite card you’ve made and why?
I think it has got to be ‘Birthday Farty’. I had the idea at about 2am one night when I couldn’t sleep. I just thought it was so stupid and funny – I had to create it! Who doesn’t love butts in hats!?
Did you pick up any lockdown hobbies/do you have a recent lockdown binge watch to recommend?
I actually did! I learnt how to embroider and moonwalk (sort of)… In terms of lockdown binge watching, I loved Get Organised With the Home Edit – it’s so satisfying and it definitely inspires you to have a clear out and tidy up. We also watched entirety of The Office (US) for about the third time – it’s just so good.
hat are you most looking forward to as soon as the world goes back to normal or gets a little more normal over the next few months?
I’m just desperate to hug everyone! I haven’t hugged my grandparents for over a year now which is so sad to think about. Oh man, and I’m really missing the pub and eating out with friends and family! A massive meal and drinks, maybe some games… The dream!
Tell us one fun fact about yourself
I sometimes have weird hallucinations when I’m sleeping. One time I saw spiderman, another time I saw a seal on the floor! (We were holidaying by the seaside at the time so that one sort of makes sense?!)

Thanks so much to Charli for answering our questions and sharing some wisdom with us.